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A few details about:

Michael Vierheilig

Father, Consulting in the operational area

I am an expert in:

  • Positioning recruitment processes in various industries
  • sustainable human resource management
  • internal + external communication
  • employee retention concepts

Building and positioning recruitment processes in various industries and the associated areas such as sustainable personnel management, building benefit concepts, employee loyalty and activating new employees define the core of my work. I combine this work with internal and external corporate communication.

I achieved my expert status through my studies as a communications trainer and through my professional career. Through my 13 years of work in a medium-sized company I have gone through all departments (accounting, office, sales, marketing, management, etc.). This enabled me to gain an overall view of all areas of a company and acquire the most important skills. Internationally, as a sales manager I was responsible for human resources. I also accompanied the entire HR process and actively influenced employee retention.

Through my recently completed studies as a communication trainer I have the skill to positively influence communication in companies and raise it to a sustainable level.

As the board member of a sponsoring association, I was able to find out about the structures and background of a daycare center and point out new ways. Seeing a daycare center from an entrepreneurial perspective helps with positioning and identifying opportunities.

For me, the person / employee is a resource that must be treated carefully and looked after in a sustainable manner. Man is the sudden commodity in every work cycle. Recognizing this and using the resulting possibilities and opportunities raises us to a conscious level.

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